Welcome to the Quantum Mom Show! The show for moms who want to: fulfill their highest potential in life, learn how to use their energy (that Law of Attraction kind), and have fun along the way.
Tag: Parenting
Feeling More Peace Within
As you reflect on your day, what is your predominant feeling? These days I spend most of my time in a fairly neutral, peaceful-feeling state. But that wasn’t always the case. I used to be really uptight – trying to control every action by everyone in the house, and reacting harshly if people (particularly my… Continue reading Feeling More Peace Within
Inching Myself Out of Burnout
This article – Self Care is Not Enough to Fix How Much Moms are Burnt Out – came across my feed this week. I agree with much of what is mentioned; first, a trip to the salon, or a relaxing bubble bath, are not sustainable self-care. We might feel good for a minute, but then… Continue reading Inching Myself Out of Burnout