You leapt out of the known and took a leap of faith that following your passion would work out.
And up to this point – it has! You have clients and have made money.
But you feel stuck at a plateau.
You know you’re capable of more but don’t know how to get there.
You turn to the experts.
They talk about things like the perfect marketing funnel. Networking everywhere. Starting a Tik Tok account. You’re already busy and aren’t sure how you’ll add more to an already full plate.
You got into this business for more time freedom, yet all you seem to do is fill your time with tasks that aren’t increasing your bottom line.
Take a deep breath and hear this:
You don’t need another strategy.
What you need is to align your energy (your thoughts, emotions, and actions) to the business you want. You can go through the motions of strategy, but if your body cringes at the idea of charging higher prices, or you constantly discount your rates because you’ll take anything over nothing, your business won’t grow bigger than it already is.
I’m Andrea. I quit corporate in November of 2022 because I knew it was my Soul’s calling to be a coach. For the first six months, I posted on social media nearly every day. I invited people into webinars and pitched my services. I thought saying yes to my spiritual path meant things would be easy for me. Clients trickled in, but not to the level I knew I was capable of serving.
I finally realized what I was missing. I had focused on the outer actions and completely neglected my inner state.
Our businesses are a mirror of the mental / emotional energies we hold within ourselves.
I had not done the work to refine my energy to reflect that of a successful coach.
I filled every available minute with work because I never felt like I’d done enough.
I lacked the confidence in myself and my work to charge prices that would sustain me.
I was stretching myself too thin trying to keep up with three social media platforms, an email list, and a YouTube channel.
I was afraid to meet people in person because then I’d have to explain what I did, so I hid behind social media.
I wanted to speak on stage but was embarrassed to ask for the opportunity.
I finally realized I needed to work on these things first. As I dialed in the platforms I showed up on (see ya, Tik Tok!), gained confidence in myself, started networking (even though I didn’t have the perfect tagline to describe my business), and embodied the energy of a successful business owner, my business started taking off.
I had clients show up that had just met me asking to work with me.
I received speaking and podcast invitations without spending hours researching the perfect organization and crafting the perfect pitch.
I streamlined where I show up regularly so I don’t have to spend all day creating content.
I used the time I freed up to meet people and build deeper connections around Madison that support me professionally and personally.
Best of all: I’m having way more fun!
Don’t get me wrong – the outer skills are still important. But…
your clients respond to your energy, not the level of hustle you put in.
Quantum Physics has shown that our futures are not fixed. The future you experience – the money, success, impact – is a response to the energy you’re exuding.
Let me say that to you a different way. You and your business are not in a lottery that decides who succeeds or not. You get to do the work to align your energy to the business you want, and it has to show up. That’s #QuantumPhysics.
That’s where I come in. Businesses need two pieces to be successful: strategy and energy. I know you’ve been working on the strategy. I want to help you hone your energy.
Your energy is the key to having more money and experiencing more joy without adding more work.
When you join my private coaching world, I support you where you’re at. Together we make a plan for our time together, and I also get intuitively guided on the best ways to support your highest growth. Your business, after all, is your spiritual path.
Through our time together, you can expect to:
🗝️ Break through your inner income blocks and align to abundance, so you can make more money with less stress.
🗝️Sift through the mental noise, so you can stop throwing spaghetti at the wall and get a clear path forward for your business.
🗝️Get clear on the business you want and what lights you up instead of recreating what the experts say you should do, so you can spend more time energized and less time drained.
🗝️Learn how to navigate imposter syndrome, fear, and self-sabotaging behaviors, so you can confidently take the action that will lead you to the next level.
🗝️Tap into your differentiation points and secret sauce, so you can stand out from the crowd.
🗝️Understand how to align your energy (thoughts, emotions, and actions) to the business you want to create, so you can become a walking manifestation for opportunity.
🗝️Learn how to reframe challenges into learning opportunities, so you can move through them easier and grow faster.
🗝️Have an unshakeable level of confidence that’s not dictated by what clients think of you, how much money you make, or what others in your industry think.
🗝️Embody the identity of a successful business owner, and show up unapologetically as her!
And that’s just the business impact!
Since you take yourself wherever you go, aligning yourself to your business will play out in your personal life in ways like:
🗝️Better, more present relationships with your family, because you’re not projecting your inner stress on them.
🗝️No more 2 am wakeups worrying about the future of your business.
🗝️The space to take vacation and actually enjoy it!
Imagine you and your business going to the next level.
You’re no longer overwhelmed trying to pick the perfect strategy. You wake up every morning and look at your calendar, excited for the day ahead because it has the perfect blend of work and play.
You’ve raised your rates to a sustainable level and feel confident in what you charge.
You’re so confident in yourself that you effortlessly magnetize ideal clients and business opportunities.
If something does come up that feels sticky (say, a string of possible clients that don’t invest) or when self-doubt pops up, you know how to work with the Universe to understand the message and call in something else.
You feel tapped into something beyond you when you work and know you’re doing the work you were born to do.
That’s what’s possible when you understand how to align your energy to match the business you desire.
The VIP package includes all the below within a six month container:
🔥Two 60-minute private coaching sessions/month with personalized notes and integration exercises sent afterward
🔥BONUS 60-minute session + week of Voxer to use anytime within 3 months of completion
🔥BONUS 75-minute Human Design session -or- 75-minute Money Mindset intensive
🔥BONUS access to my email series Get Mentored by the Universe
🔥Unlimited email and Voxer support for the duration of the package
👉🏽 You wanted to save money and figure it out, only to find yourself still at this level?
👉🏽 You kept trying different things – Social Media! No, podcasting! No, networking! – that left you overwhelmed and still without a sustainable business?
👉🏽 You were waiting for the perfect time to hire a coach, only to find out there was no perfect time and you missed out on five years of positive momentum?
That won’t happen to you.
Past clients have reported results like:
Going from “I want to drop this part of my business” to “actually I love that part of my business, I just need to charge more because I’m over giving.”
Releasing resistance to using her voice and feeling more ease and freedom in saying what she wants to say.
Feeling empowered to make the changes needed to become a role model for her clients.
Exploring resistance around dropping a part of the business to grow another part, and feeling clear on the decision to do so.
Shifting her mindset from “if I drop this part of my business I will make less” to “what if I make even more because I’ll be spending more time doing what I love!”
Knowing the difference between their inner critic and inner voice, and having tools (not just coping mechanisms) to move past the limiting beliefs of the inner critic.
Seeing challenges as a sign from the Universe, instead of something that shows up to beat them down.