The Michigan / Michigan State Rivalry

I grew up in the thick of this rivalry.  Jackson, my home town, was 30 minutes south of East Lansing and 45 minutes west of Ann Arbor. The day before the UM/MSU football game was like a school holiday, halls splattered blue and green.  I frequently went around sticking my thumb out chanting Michigan👍🏽State👎🏽! I… Continue reading The Michigan / Michigan State Rivalry

The Only Thing You Can Control

I went sledding the other day.  (Yes, by myself.  Without the kids.  No dragging tiny humans up the hill on a sled this time!) The first run down was the typical first run, blazing the initial trail through the snow. The second run down, I started on the same path.  When my sled starting veering… Continue reading The Only Thing You Can Control

3 Perspectives That Helped Me Embrace Change

Where are you on the change lover scale, from “totally paralyzed to make any changes” to “love it, bring me more!”? I’ve always embraced change on some level, but it wasn’t until I started viewing it from a different perspective that helped me move the needle forward in my life.  Instead of looking at change… Continue reading 3 Perspectives That Helped Me Embrace Change

When Your Life Is Unraveling

Do you feel like your life is unraveling?  You’ve done everything “right,” and yet, nothing is going right anymore? This is not a random occurrence.  And you are not broken.  Read on for an explanation. Let’s pretend for a minute that, deep inside your core, is a brilliant being of light.  Long ago, this being… Continue reading When Your Life Is Unraveling

You Can’t Pro/Con List to Your Best Life

You have the life you thought you wanted, yet you’re noticing – it doesn’t feel so good. Maybe you’re over the constant hustle.  Or work isn’t lighting you up the way you expected.  Or you want more time with your family, and less time at the office. I simmered in my unhappiness for years before… Continue reading You Can’t Pro/Con List to Your Best Life

What is Energy Healing?

I’ve been asked this numerous times on my radio interviews, yet have never shared it with my audience.  For your education, here is how I describe energy healing and my flavor of it. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  Who we are, the authentic us, is a spiritual energy. The human experience comes… Continue reading What is Energy Healing?