You’ve been in business a while. Congratulations! You have clients and your business is making money.
Yet you’re missing the fire you had when you first started your business.
Your business is paying some bills, but you know it’s capable of so much more. You didn’t start it to just get by and be under-compensated. You started it to make more money than you were before.
You’ve had your rates for a while and feel like you’ve outgrown them, but the idea of increasing them brings up so much fear:
❔Am I really worth that much?
❔What if my current clients can’t afford that?
❔ Or worse – what if no one can afford that?
The fear keeps you overwhelmed and trapped at your current income level.
I’m Andrea. I’ve been full time in business for a year and a half and understand how scary it can feel when you know it’s time to raise your prices.
What helped was knowing that my rates represent an energy exchange. If I am not asking for the money that represents the value my clients are receiving, there will be an energetic mismatch. I’ll either be bitter in my business because I’m over giving, or won’t be a match to those clients who are looking for a larger transformation.
As with any change like this, I had fears come up in the process. I’ve learned how to separate my worth from my pricing, talk through objections around leaving clients behind, and re-write money stories so I’m not secretly sabotaging my progress.
I don’t drop my rates when a client tells me I’m too expensive. I also don’t get upset when someone tells me “no,” as I trust that there’s a better fit client right around the corner. This is the kind of bold energy that the Universe rewards.
I want your business to succeed.
If it’s going to succeed, you need to be able to make money without sacrificing more time and effort in your business.
One lever you get to pull to make more money is raising your rates.
I know that brings up fear, so we’ll break it down into these modules:
The Practical Info (Wed., 7/10, 9:00 am CDT)
If you want money to work with you, you need to get honest with it. Here we’ll identify what you need to make every month to satisfy your financial needs and desires. Then we’ll look at what you’re currently charging versus what you need to charge to meet that goal. (Light math will be involved, but I promise it won’t be hard!) We’ll end with a discussion of how valuable you and your work truly are, so you can start to see and get behind that new rate.
The Client Attraction Factor (Fri, 7/12, 11:00 am CDT)
If you price it low, more people will come, right? The reality is that trying to help everyone is holding your energy back because the Universe doesn’t know who to deliver to you. Here we’ll talk about how your price attracts the right client into your space, and talk through any fears coming up for you. Level of client they attract will be different once raise their rates. Lower paying clients sucking up a lot of their time.
Rewriting Your Money Stories (Wed, 7/17, 9:00 am CDT)
We all have them: those well-meaning stories we heard as kids, like “I need to do more to be worthy of more” or “money is the root of all evil.” No matter how well-intentioned your actions, these unconscious stories will secretly sabotage your efforts to ask for more. Here we’ll use visualization to help you uncover what’s hiding in your unconscious so you can write new stories for yourself.
Confidence Work (Fri, 9/19, 11:00 am CDT)
What sells better than great marketing? Confidence. If you want to attract more money, you need to act as the type of person that would charge what you’re charging. What would she say? How would she act? I’ll take you through a visualization to see that for yourself, then we’ll talk about how to make a plan to anchor this into your daily routine.
Live Q&A / Wrap Up (Wed, 7/24, 9:00 am CDT)
I’m sure our time together will bring up lots of questions! We’ll have this time together to get those answered. No worries if you can’t make it live. I’ll have a form you can use to submit your questions ahead of time!
These are held on Zoom, so replays will be available and you will have lifetime access!
By the end of our 2 ½ weeks together, you’ll have new rates that you feel confident about. You’ll know how to see and re-write limiting money beliefs. And you’ll be on the road to embodying the energy of a successful business owner.
This is no-turning-back kind of energy.
Are you ready?
Sign up for Raise Your Rates now! Pre-sale pricing is happening until June 23, so save your seat ASAP!
This program is intended to help you make more money by raising your rates. Wouldn’t you like to go:
The Universe is always responding to your energy.
How would it feel to know how to price your offers right now, and confidently raise your rates again when the time is right? You’ll have lifetime access to these trainings, and will be able to take yourself through this process each time you’re ready for a rate change.
Once you take a stand in your energy, the Universe shifts to match. There can be an acclimation period, so the sooner you do this work, the sooner you will start to see the results in your reality.
I know what you’re thinking.
You can just log into your website and raise your rates on your own. So – why haven’t you?
If your confidence doesn’t match those rates, or you get fearful and drop them whenever someone says no, that tells me you didn’t shift your inner energy to hold those new rates.
How much longer do you want to feel bitter and under compensated in your business? I’m guessing you don’t want to continue feeling this way at this time next year.