I’ve been asked this numerous times on my radio interviews, yet have never shared it with my audience. For your education, here is how I describe energy healing and my flavor of it. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Who we are, the authentic us, is a spiritual energy. The human experience comes… Continue reading What is Energy Healing?
Category: Energy Healing
The Secret of Manifestation
When I first said “yes” to the spiritual path, I expected it to be all love and light, and maybe a few unicorns. When I realized that God was not an angry dude with a beard sitting on a cloud judging me, but was in fact an energy of love that connects us all… Continue reading The Secret of Manifestation
Inching Myself Out of Burnout
This article – Self Care is Not Enough to Fix How Much Moms are Burnt Out – came across my feed this week. I agree with much of what is mentioned; first, a trip to the salon, or a relaxing bubble bath, are not sustainable self-care. We might feel good for a minute, but then… Continue reading Inching Myself Out of Burnout