Type A to Type Play

You’re at a place with your business where you’re not strapped for cash and can do what the experts tell you:

So you do!  You book the trip.  The massage.  Or just take a day off and focus on what you want to do.

You may even spend the whole time feeling guilty that you’re not working.  Which then makes you feel bad for feeling guilty for putting yourself first.

You go back to work having done the activity, but missing out on the “energy recharge” you so needed.

That’s why you went into business in the first place: to have the freedom to do it all!  You’re smart.  Successful.  It gnaws at you that you can’t figure out how to let go of work and have a little fun.

What are you missing?

While the “take time for yourself” message is in the right place, I’ve noticed that the experts fail to mention

I’ve seen people in paradise look at me and say, “FML, amIright?”  Clearly, they were not getting an energy boost!

How could you FML when you’re in this place, amIright? Duck Key, FL

The key to the recharge is managing your inner world.  Which has less to do with the activity itself, and more to do with what you’re thinking and feeling in the moment.

In my world, learning to manage your inner world is the true key to taking time to yourself and letting it recharge you.

I’m Andrea! As a recovering Type A working mom… I get it.  Work came first.  When I did make time for myself, I was still either mentally focused on work, afraid to really engage, or feeling guilty for not working.

I realized the beliefs driving my success – being productive, fearing failure, requiring perfection, and seeking validation, to name a few – were the same beliefs keeping me from letting loose and having fun (AKA recharging my energy).

Fun and play are messy.  They don’t produce an end result that moves a project forward, or come with a certificate I can hang on my wall.  No one writes a testimonial that says “Andrea didn’t think about her business at all today!”  Therefore, my inner world didn’t prioritize it because it was secretly seeking those other things to validate my worth.

This isn’t even about grand gestures, like trips and spa days (though I love those, too!)

In case you’re getting an image of a kid on a swing set and saying this isn’t for you, let me redefine “play” in the way spirit offered to me.

Play isn’t as much about the activity you’re engaging in.

I see play as an activity that doesn’t require an end result to be worthwhile.  I see it as a way to fill my cup and connect with my kids in their love language.  And, I see it as one of our reasons for living.  One of my mantras: “we didn’t zip on these skin suits to hustle and grind.  It’s okay to have fun along the way!”

I’ve put together a program will be a combination of reflection and action.

Each week, I’ll offer a new activity for you to try, along with journal prompts for you to explore your resistance around the activity. The goal is to support you through trying new things, while exploring and releasing your resistance to doing so.

By the end of the 3 months, you’ll:

🤍 Receive a message from your Higher Self on what play could look like for you

🤍 Uncover the deep reason(s) it’s hard for you to turn work off

🤍 Diminish the guilt of taking time to yourself (so you can actually enjoy it)

🤍 See play as productive (even though it’s not something you check off your to do list)

🤍 Redefine failure and perfection (so you can stop holding yourself back from trying new things)

🤍 Explore new hobbies and creative outlets

🤍 Learn how to bring the energy of adventure into your everyday life

and more!

The program will run from February 3 through April 25.  During that time there will be:

✔️ 10 pre-recorded modules (30 minutes or less) with reflection exercises dropped into your email on Monday.

✔️ 10 live group coaching calls (1 hour) on Thursday or Friday (I’ll poll those that sign up for the best time).

✔️ A WhatsApp group for celebrations and questions in between the coaching calls.

Actually check those things off your bucket list and enjoy them, guilt-free?

Explore the hobbies that have been calling to you?

Show up better at work because you took the time to energetically fill your cup?

Have a toolset to identify and move through your resistance?

Enjoy a better, more present relationship with your kids? (Play is their love language, after all!)

✨ are prioritizing time to yourself, yet spend it feeling guilty or thinking about work.

✨ go back to work feeling less replenished than you want.

✨ have things you want to try and don’t know why you’re resisting them.

✨ have young kids and feel like you’re missing out on those precious young moments because you can’t turn work off.

✨ love personal growth and are not afraid to go deep into yourself.

✨ are spiritual or spiritually curious but don’t know how to apply those Law of Attraction books you read.

✨ are willing to commit, show up weekly to the lessons and calls, and create space to do the exercises

telling your kids “not now, mom’s busy”➡️“yes, I’d love to play with you” (and actually enjoying it)!
feeling stressed by work➡️feeling the buzz of excitement run through your body!
having a bucket list of items you keep putting off➡️feeling unafraid to try new things!
only enjoying your work➡️enjoying the entire life you’re creating!

Yay! I’m so excited to play with you this year!

I have two investment options: a one-time pay option, and a monthly payment plan option.

  • One-time pay: $1000
  • Payment plan: $1200 (payable at $300/month for four months)
  • BONUS 45 minute 1-1 with either option (valued at $300 – to be used with me during the program)

  • One-time pay: $1500
  • Payment plan: $1800 (payable at $450/month for four months)

Then join me Wednesday, 1/15/25, for a FREE Ask Me Anything call! 11:30-12:30 CST on Zoom.

You are welcome to join and ask me a question, or simply hold space for others. For privacy purposes I will only share the recording with those that show up live, so be there Wednesday to experience the magic for yourself.

Add event to calendar

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Stop waiting to “get to a certain place in life” before you let yourself have more fun.

You change your life by making things (like having more fun) a priority, and shifting your beliefs and actions around that priority.

I know change comes with resistance. That’s why I created this container to support you through that change.