✨ A special newsletter for Lisa’s audience! ✨ You’ve had your colors, and maybe even your style, done. You’re on the road to a fabulous new wardrobe that supports the best parts of you. How are you feeling? Are you feeling like a confident, radiant match to your new clothes? Or do you still feel… Continue reading Does your swagger match your style?
Author: amandree
QMS 15: A Quantum Mom Show Update
I have an announcement!
QMS 14: What is my purpose?
Have you found yourself asking – what is my purpose? Or has the idea you’re here to “do” something been nagging you? Your Soul’s trying to get your attention.
QMS 13: I don’t know what to do with my life
In this video, I share some juicy ways to get around the overwhelm that can come from “what do I want to do with my life?”
QMS 12: When there’s no rational basis for your fear
In this episode, I share 5 fears I’ve tapped into that have no rational basis based on this lifetime’s experience, yet were very real for me.
QMS 11: Why I’m no longer religious
Many are feeling unsettled toward their religion, and may feel alone in that feeling. I recorded this video to let you know you’re not alone.
QMS 10: How I learn from every failure
Sharing tactical tools and Spiritual perspectives so you can learn from failure and see it in a new light!
QMS 9: What is the Law of Attraction?
I used to think the Law of Attraction was a way to trick the universe. I now know it’s not a trick! It’s a universal law that’s always working.
QMS 8: Consider this before switching jobs or relationships
When the job or relationship gets uncomfortable, most blame it for the discomfort and move on. Yet often, the new situation can feel like the old one.
QMS 7: Why do my kids trigger me?
Have you noticed your kids really trigger you? Dr. Shefali helped me realize our kids come with a Spiritual purpose, and our triggers are gifts.