10th House Astrology presents: Becoming Magnetic in Life and Business
This was a really fun collaboration between Marissa Fontana (of 10th House Astrology) and myself. I gave my shortened version of the 5 elements of magnetic energy, and she showed us how we can find our magnetism by finding the Venus sign in our chart.
Check out the blog post and replay here! (41 mins)

Entrepreneur Truth Talk: From Corporate Chaos to Spiritual Success: One Mom’s Transformative Journey!
I had a great discussion with fellow mompreneur, Lisa Avila. I shared my journey from corporate to entrepreneurship, how I’ve transformed challenges, and how energy and emotional intelligence have led to my success in business and life.
Watch on YouTube (18 mins)
Determined to Succeed podcast: Unlocking Your Purpose: Aligning Mindset and Energy for Business Success
This was my first repeat podcast interview! In this episode with Dawn Mullarney, I start with how I stay motivated, which is putting myself in the energy of my clients: their struggles, hopes, and dreams, and how, if I don’t show up, they don’t get the help they need to keep going. I then get into why I started my podcast, and a little on our upcoming trip to Cuba!
Listen on Spotify, Apple, or your favorite podcast player. (13 mins)
Raving Coaches podcast: Aligning Your Energy For Business Success
I loved getting interviewed by Laura Hulleman on her Raving Coaches podcast! We started with the transitions my coaching has made over the years, before getting into the pitfalls of focusing on external business results at the expense of my energy, confidence, and abundance mindset.
Listen on Spotify, Apple, or find it on your favorite podcast player! (47 mins)
Bold Journey Meet Andrea Andree
I was interviewed by Bold Journey on how I’ve enhanced my levels of self-confidence and self-esteem, and why I think all business owners are really on a spiritual path.
Read the article on Bold Journey here!

100 State Office Talk Andrea Andree: How Your Business Is Your Spiritual Path
I had a great conversation with Kelly Pagac of 100State! She wanted to know what I mean when I say “your business is your spiritual path.” I also get pretty deep when she asks me what keeps me motivated.
Watch on YouTube (19 mins)
Illuminated with Amanda Marit podcast #155: Get Illuminated as a Spiritual Coach with Guest + Grad Andrea Andree
I graduated with my Spiritual Coaching Certification from Amanda Marit in May 2024, and was asked to be on her podcast to share all the deets of my experience. I share why I joined the cert, my favorite lesson, and more.
Listen on Spotify, or find Illuminated wherever you listen to podcasts! (38 mins)
The Reawakened Mom podcast #123: How do you become a match for your life?
I met Melissa Clampitt through one of my networking groups and we hit it off! We both share a passion for helping moms make life easier for themselves. I share so much goodness in this episode! I touch on both mom life and entrepreneur life and share things like:
✨ How I went from being a reactive mama to a more compassionate mama.
✨ Why our kids are our soul mates.
✨ The moment I decided to pivot from my corporate path.
✨ The question and subsequent actions that really kickstarted my business (hint: it wasn’t better sales and marketing!)
Links here on Apple, Spotify, or watch on YouTube. (37 mins)
Canvas Rebel Interview
I was honored to be interviewed by Canvas Rebel and talk about a time failure turned into a big lesson for me, how I got started in my work, what I’m most proud of myself for, and more! Read it on Canvas Rebel here.

Determined to Succeed podcast: Unveiling Authenticity – Andrea’s Journey from Corporate Conformity to a Life of Purpose
When Dawn and I met, we immediately hit if off. One thing we both have in common: leaving our corporate jobs in November 2021 and venturing out on our own.
In this podcast episode, Dawn and I share insights from the first year of our journeys: what we’ve learned along the way, and where we’ve imperfectly taken action. This is a must-listen for anyone new on their entrepreneurship journey, or thinking about jumping in.
Mommy Mindset podcast: How to Connect to your Spirituality with Andrea Andree
Analise Garcia hosts the Mommy Mindset podcast. We connected in an email list-building group and hit it off! I share things like: how to get started on your spiritual journey, how I use journaling to release energy and channel new guidance, misconceptions I see with spirituality, and how I use the chaos in my world to help me grow.
If you want to hear how I’m approaching this, or to get a quick exercise to feel more peaceful, give it a listen! Links here on Podbean or Spotify. (38 mins)

Soul Guide Radio podcast: The Soul Client Sessions with Andrea Andree
I can’t believe these words came out of my mouth! Allyson has a gift with tuning me into my intuition and pulling higher guidance out of me.
In this podcast episode, I was coached (for all the world to hear!) by my amazing coach, Allyson Scammell. She took me through her 5 part energetic alignment process which included helping me set a soul-guided intention and releasing energetic resistance to that intention.
If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to tap into your authentic self and release energy blocks, give this a listen! I don’t use Allyson’s 5 part process, but I do use similar techniques with my clients. Links here to Allyson’s page, Podbean or Spotify. (49 mins)
MOMS Life Made Simple podcast: Mindset Challenge – How I Did It with Andrea Andree
Chanelle Neilson is the host of the MOMS Life Made Simple podcast, and invited me on as a guest to discuss her January challenge: mindset. I shared how I am using mindset work to shift the behavior I see in my children. Kids, after all, live up to our expectations. If I continue telling the story of how naughty they are, that’s what they live up to!
If you want to hear how I’m approaching this, or to get a quick exercise to feel more peaceful, give it a listen! Links here on Podbean or Spotify. (20 mins)

I am working with CloseUp TV and Radio on some exciting Promotional Materials!
After my September 22 show on CloseUp Radio, I was offered an amazing opportunity: I was selected as CloseUp’s female coach to promote in 2023 as part of their Women Making a Difference series! I get to dip my toe into all sorts of digital media as part of this opportunity.
Radio Series: Press Release for Parts 1-5. Listen to the Part 1 Replay, the Part 2 Replay, the Part 3 Replay, the Part 4 Replay, and the Part 5 Replay. (Each ~30 mins.)
Empowering Professionals Magazine Article: read the article here.
Studio Interview: watch on YouTube here.
I was featured on an episode of Close Up Radio!
Early August, I was contacted about being a guest on CloseUp TV’s Empowering Women Radio Series. Not knowing what I was getting into, I said yes and signed up for a September 22 slot. I had a great conversation, talking about Empowerment Coaching, Energy Healing, and how I’ve applied those concepts to my own life as a mom of littles.
Listen to the episode here (30 mins)

I have a series on the Podcast Business News Network!
This is the series that came out of my Meet the Elite podcast. I was initially offered a five part series, which after the first episode was extended to an eight part series. (Each ~30 mins.)
Episode 8 (11/8/22): I talk about using our body to get messages from spirit. It’s easy to get messages if we learn how they come! We talk mostly about my main gifts, clairvoyance (seeing) and claircognizance (knowing). We also touch on manifestation. Listen on TuneIn.com (link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 7 (10/18/22): I talk about learning about who we are by identifying who we are not. When I started this work, I couldn’t answer the questions “who am I, and what am I here to do?” Yet thanks to Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, I was introduced to the concept of Ego, which helped me identify who I was not. Listen on Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 6 (10/4/22): I discuss five myths about this thing called purpose: purpose is something that you do; if you think hard enough, you can figure it out; if you meditate hard enough, your purpose will come to you; you can only feel purposeful doing “the thing,” you can’t make money doing your purpose work. Listen on TuneIn.com (link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 5 (9/27/22): I discuss five beliefs that changed how I view parenting: we are not here to control our kids, we are here to guide them; we are all on our spiritual path; happy kids means supporting their natural energy; in emotional moments, be the antidote; and our kids are supposed to trigger us. Listen on TuneIn.com (link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 4 (9/20/22): I talk about the four results pillars that my clients will experience as a result of working with me: Feel more peaceful within, Tap into your inner energy supply, Sprinkle in joy and fun, and Get to know you on a deeper level. Listen on TuneIn.com (link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 3 (9/13/22): I share how I responded when something didn’t go right (hint: I didn’t beat myself up for it). Listen on TuneIn.com (link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 2 (8/30/22): I discuss where our reactions come from. Listen on TuneIn.com(link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
Episode 1 (8/23/22): I introduce myself and how I define Empowered Living. Listen on TuneIn.com (link works on computer), Podbean, Spotify.
I was featured on an episode of Meet the Elite!
I was running errands on Friday, August 5 when I received a phone call from some group called Meet the Elite. Convinced it was spam, I sent it to voicemail. As you can probably tell by this post – it wasn’t! I was being invited to a 5 minute interview about my business.
My interview was Monday, August 8. I had my five minutes of fame, hung up, and went on with my day. Within a few hours, I received a call from an Executive Producer. He loved my interview and asked if I’d ever considered podcasting. My answer: maybe somewhere in the recesses of my brain, but not much beyond that. He offered me a 5 part series, which could expand beyond that if it goes well. So – here’s to my first of apparently more podcasts!

I’m a featured author in the book Guides: Mystical Connections to Soul Guides and Divine Teachers!
The publisher did a call for stories early 2021. I really wanted to submit one, but didn’t have one… until I did! In my story, I share which family members my Higher Self and my Inner Child were using to get my attention.
This is a beautiful book. Marilyn is brilliant at teaching people how to talk to Spirit. She starts by sharing an overview of the different types of guides. The middle is a collection of stories like mine. And the end is more of Marilyn sharing exercises on how to grow your connection to your guides.
You can read more about the book here, or watch the supplemental video, “Are You Spiritually Curious About Soul Guides,” here.
If interested in getting a copy, you can order from me here (I’ll sign it!) or from a selection of sellers shown at the bottom of the overview page.