When I first said “yes” to the spiritual path, I expected it to be all love and light, and maybe a few unicorns. When I realized that God was not an angry dude with a beard sitting on a cloud judging me, but was in fact an energy of love that connects us all – I thought I had it all. figured. out.
It didn’t take me long to realize that there was so much more, including:
Spiritual Path = Personal Growth
There’s more to the spiritual journey than love and light. Our souls are literally here, in these skin suits, to learn and grow and test the boundaries of what’s possible.

We’re not here to make the most money, or have the fanciest house, or accumulate letters after our name. We’re here to recognize our pain, release it from our energy body, and become an expression of our soul in human form.
That soul, by the way, is wired for health, happiness, abundance, and all sorts of juiciness. We can have those things – and more – when we align our lives to the energy of our soul.
That’s what I’m learning is the secret to manifesting. It’s not just affirmations and vision boards. It’s becoming an energetic match to the life I – and my soul – desires.
The sum total of our beliefs, words, actions, and emotions (including those ones we suppressed 30+ years ago), emit a vibration of energy. Through the Law of Attraction, the energy we emit attracts to us situations of equal energy.
If we desire a better financial situation, a closer relationship to our kids, or a job that lights us up, we first have to look at our energy and ask – am I a match to that which I desire? Do I believe those things are possible for me? Do I feel worthy of those improvements to my life?
Two years ago, I started my business by signing up for an LLC. Ever since, I’ve been pecking away at the beliefs that have kept me from bringing it into my reality… beliefs like:
There are plenty of coaches already out there. What would I have to say that’s different?
I can’t actually make money coaching. I need to make my money some other way, and use it to finance my coaching.
But I really need the stability of this corporate job.
If there is a better life situation you desire, it’s not going to be brought to you on a silver platter. It’s up to you to create the circumstances for it to manifest for you.
And if you’re ready but not sure how to start, I can help. Book a coffee with me. I’ll ask you about your desires, and talk to you about my process for helping you align to them.
If you’re ready to take the first step in activating the energy for the life you desire, grab my FREE PDF guide, 3 Ways to Tap Into the Authentic You, here. I also share content via email that I don’t share here on the blog. If you are interested in what I am sharing, grab the guide so you don’t miss out!

I (Andrea) am a Transformational and Spiritual Coach. I am passionate about women unlock their potential and create a fabulous life!
Learn more about me: https://andreaandree.com/
Book a 30 min connection call: https://calendly.com/andreaandree/connectioncall
Learn about Private Coaching: https://andreaandree.com/private-coaching/
Grab my FREE activation series, Activate your Radiant Leadership: https://andreaandree.ck.page/radiant-leader