As a kid, I had this weird inclination that I was going to die young.
It never made sense. I was a healthy kid with good vitals. And yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling.

I gave myself until the arbitrary age of 27, since that’s the age when all the Hollywood young-uns seem to die. I said, if I’m still alive after that, I’ll stop this obsession.
I’m 37 now, so you can guess how that ended.
However, a few years ago (well after that 27 threshold), I had a different realization:
I was dying. But not in the way I thought.
My Ego – the conditioned, who-I-thought-I-was part of me – was, in fact, dying.
And making way for my Soul to start shining through.
I really do believe this is what all of us are here to experience at this time. I call it “living as the highest potential versions of ourselves;” aka, living from our Soul. The part of us wired for health, and happiness, and abundance.
Anything less is Ego. Conditioning. The pain, fear, and trauma that we carry, but isn’t us.

I am not special. Underneath our pain and skin suits, we are all capable of living a life that feels good. It was my Soul’s plan to go through it first, so I could help others.
If your life feels tough right now, it’s not because you’re meant to suffer. It’s because life is trying to get you to see your pain so you can release it – once and for all. To let your highest self start to shine through.
You are capable of creating your own reality. The outer world does not have to dictate how you feel. Despite the events of the past few years, I feel more alive and on purpose than ever before.
That’s because I made a decision to align with my Soul. When you do that, the Universe will provide over and over. And show you the way to a higher way of living.
The same is possible for you.
When you’re ready, I’m here for you. To help guide you back to the version of yourself you’ve been looking for. Book a Connection Call, and let’s chat.
If you’re wondering how your Ego shows up in your life, I have a gift for you! It’s a FREE guide + videos called 5 Mindset Shifts to Ease Your Overwhelm. I share 5 ways the beliefs of our Ego keep us overwhelmed, and 5 messages your Soul would like you to consider instead. Grab it here!

I (Andrea) am a Transformational and Spiritual Coach. I am passionate about women unlock their potential and create a fabulous life!
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